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    Alexandros Vardaxoglou,
Constantine Skourlis & Dafin Antoniadou 

>> 1.5.2022

  Spring Forward Festival, Elefsinsa
#VANISHING POINT      Alexandros Vardaxoglou, Constantine Skourlis & Dafin Antoniadou  

Photo © Myrto Grigoriou   

On May 1st the otherworldly dance duet Vanishing Point will take to the stage at the Spring Forward Festival in Elefsina, as part of the Aerowaves Twenty22 selection. The Aerowaves network organizes the yearly festival to bring together the most exciting dance makers in Europe for a professional international audience.

Dafin Antoniadou, Constantine
Skourlis, Alexandros Vardaxoglou

Choreography & Performance: Alexandros
Vardaxoglou, Dafin Antoniadou

Constantine Skourlis,
Stephan Richter

Costume design:
Christina Lardikou

Light Design:
Yiannis Kranidiotis

Costume Construction:
Solo Victoria

Lights Operator:
Vangelis Mountrichas

Sound Engineer:
Nicholas Kazazis

Produced by:
Onassis Stegi

Supported by:
Bedouin Records & Res Ratio Network

Touring Support:
ONASSIS STEGI "Outward Turn Program"


Production & Touring Management: Delta-Pi




Sunday 1 May at 12:00



Aerowaves Spring Forward Festival, Elefsina

Tickets: registration closed


With their tight embrace, Alexandros Vardaxoglou and Dafin Antoniadou form a distraught being waking from unknown depths. We witness it struggling to split into two, both sides seeking to assert their individuality at one moment, grasping for shelter and comfort at another.

As Vanishing Point unfolds, we are left to wonder if this phenomenon is science fiction or some nightmare made reality. “Dismembered and incomplete at the edges of life” is how the creators put it, when the human body appears to be a destination reached, yet unreachably distant at the same time. 


Dafin Antoniadou, Alexandros Vardaxoglou, and Constantine Skourlis have been working together since 2019. Their output revolves mainly around choreography, as well as sound and film practices. Their collaboration has led to 

the creation of the “Vanishing Point” concept, which to date has been further developed into three distinct works: “Vanishing Point” (choreography, 2020), “DEEP HORIZON” (multi-channel transmedia installation, 2022), and “VANISHING POINT” (film, 2022).


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