Kairi arcade is a-mongst the oldest arcades of Athens, built in the early 1930s. This small jewel will host Re-movement's con-temporary art ex-hibition from June 2 to June 30, 2017.


Contemporary Art Group Exhibition
# Tzeni Argyriou, Vasilis Gerodimos, Peggy Kliafa, Yorgos Maraziotis, Andreas Savva, Christos Tolis, Panagiotis Velianitis
Kairi Arcade will host artistic interventions, installations and video art projections throughout the four different levels of the arcade. All artists were inspired by the real stories that accompany the arcade since 1930 when the arcade was built. Owners and renters recall the past glory of this narrow arcade that was once busy and crowded with various ship-owners such as Gloria chocolate factory, Tarassis and Faros brand stores, the historical artillery owned by the Papaioannou family, as well as several clothes and shoes manufacturers and retailers.
Artists Tzeni Argyriou, Vasilis Gerodimos, Peggy Kliafa, Yorgos Maraziotis, Andreas Savva, Christos Tolis and Panagiotis Velianitis, each one using different means and materials, transform the spaces of the Arcade in a canvas full of changes, colours, emotions which both contribute to the revival of the urban memory and predispose the need of new ways of reuse.
We would like to heartily thank all owners and renters of the arcade that welcomed us dearly and embraced each intervention in the most stunning and supporting way.
June 2-30, 2017
MON, THU: 10.00-20.00
TUE, WED, FRI, SAT: 10.00-18.00
6 Kairi Street & Athinas
Metro station: Monastiraki