Concept & Choreography
Androniki Marathaki
Kostis Kallivretakis, Candy Karra, Loukiani Papadaki, Giorgos Frintzilas
Interactive sound design and programming
Lampros Pigounis
Platform Design and construction
Filippos Vasileiou
Lighting Design
Nysos Vasilopoulos
Costumes Design
Konstantina Mardiki
Production coordination
Maria Vasariotou
Documentation (photo & video)
Alekos & Christos Bourelias
Visual communication
Eftihia Liapi
Production Management
Delta Pi
Friday 14 June at 21:00 & Saturday 15 June at 20:00
Greek Festival - Peiraios 260 Hall E'
Box office at Peiraios 260 & online tickets through
Androniki Marathaki, one of the most acclaimed young dance artists, makes her Athens Festival debut with "It’s not about if you will love me tomorrow_Part 2", a work both intimate and public, which, in the creator’s own words, “maybe it’s a dance piece, or maybe it isn’t.”
The performance is conceived as a game in public view; a game raising questions on the relationship between dancing and viewing and on the balance of this paradoxical relationship that is fraught with tension.
A platform whose movement and inclination changes depending on where people stand and transfer their weight is divided among four performers. The performers test their limits within this new order of things, as the most reliable thing imaginable, the ground, is destabilized and becomes part of a fluid universe of ever-changing space, rhythm, and mobility.
The game is built on the concept of fair-cake cutting, a fair division problem on how to divide a ‘space’ such as a cake or a territory or a frequency domain so that they everyone can receive the ‘space’ they personally believe should be theirs. That is, a division, not in equal parts, bur in parts which embrace and appeal to each participant’s individual values and preferences.
Will spectators be able to assist performers in their foray into this new land?