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Concept, Direction, Choreography

Hannes Langolf, Ermira Goro


Music Composition

Coti K. 

Set & Costumes Design Christos Delidimos


Lighting Designer

Richard Godin  


Lighting Adaptation & Operator 

Vangelis Mountrichas   

Performed by: 

Ermira Goro, Hannes Langolf, Dimitra Mertzani, Rafael Pardillo, Alexandros Stavropoulos, Dimitris Karageorgos




Executive Production

Konstantinos Sakkas


Production Management

Delta Pi




April 13, 2019 at 9pm


Motum Dance Festival 2019

Thessaloniki Concert Hall

Tickets & Info:




This poignant poetic production mixes imagery and physicality in order to explore our constant human quest for joy, liberation, ease and happiness. It reveals stories about our anxiety to change, our fear to leap into the unknown and our trepidation to exist in a changing world where human connection becomes more and more elusive. 


This creation is the first joint work of established artists Hannes Langolf and Ermira Goro. After 9 years of performing together, this work marks a departure point towards artistic collaboration as directors. Their shared passion is to create meaningful work that sits in the subtle space between reality and metaphor, closely connected to life and its stories.


“With DANDELION we want to dive into the inner world of our human obstacles and inhibitions and find a way to reveal the joy of stepping over our own thresholds or celebrating even the mere attempt. ​​It was important to us to use this platform to experiment with a new approach for both of us and to go on a mutual journey of collaboration with an open mind and spirit, starting from a place of human connection. ​We very much saw this project as a devised piece, drawing from the stories of our performers and ourselves.


It feels that more and more we live in a world where the time and patience for human connection and inner sensitivity is becoming a precious value and something that needs a more conscious decision to hold on to and contribute. We talked a lot about how an honest relationship with the people around us can make us go beyond our own insecurities and obstacles and make us more courageous, a fuller version of ourselves and therefore experience life just that little bit more glorious”.

Hannes Langolf & Ermira Goro

DANDELION premiered in Athens, at the Main Stage of the Onassis Stegi in April 2017, credited to: 


Produced & commissioned by: Onassis Stegi

Supported by: Arts Council England, The Place

Research Partners: South East Dance, Hackney Showroom

Touring Support by Onassis Stegi 
Production Toured by Delta Pi 


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